For When the Buffalo Roam

Directed by Jesse Mursky-Fuller

A meditative look at prairie restoration by any means necessary


All across Wisconsin the dreaded garlic mustard, buckthorn and purple loosestrife are WANTED--DEAD or ALIVE. They are being burned out, weed whacked and chemically treated. On the other side of the beloved prairie, native seeds and heritage flora are being harvested and replanted. What time will it be when the prairie is restored?


Camera: Jesse Mursky-Fuller
Music: Imogen Heap
Thanks: Mike Fort, Cathy Chybowski, Catherine Brunner, Lapham Peak State Park, Gregg Mitman, Judith Helfand, Sarita Siegel and Erika Simon.

Other 2007 Student Films

Alternate Living
Farmer John
Fish Fry
Freewheels and Freedom
I'm In a Badger State of Mind
Matt's Turkeys

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